Prison & Jail Overcrowding

Overcrowding continues to be a global issue for jail and prison management. Utilizing ODIN-i, along with the GEOSATIS monitoring software, provides a secure alterative that reduces incarceration costs, helps support community re-integration, enhances public safety and allows officers to maintain high-level supervision of the offender’s location and compliance with their release conditions.

Pre-Trial & Bail

For those individuals who meet pre-trial release or bail conditions, GEOSATIS offers agencies an effective way to securely monitor defendant compliance with court-ordered conditions while in the community awaiting trial - including curfews, location restrictions and court or trial attendance.

Work Release & Furlough

Work release and Furlough programs allow incarcerated individuals to work during the day and return to jail at night or leave temporarily for medical, court or other approved reasons. The GEOSATIS GPS monitoring system tracks these individuals’ locations to ensure they are at approved sites and not engaging in unauthorized activities. ODIN-i simplifies daily bracelet installation and removal for staff (no straps/tools) and provides more secure monitoring of individuals while in the community.

Probation & Community Corrections

GEOSATIS allows officers to monitor individuals in the community while verifying compliance with conditions such as curfews, staying in approved areas, and avoiding restricted zones. Our technology simplifies GPS device use for both staff and offenders, offers flexible charging options and a more secure, reliable performance.


GEOSATIS plays an important role in parole supervision, by providing real-time tracking of the parolee to confirm compliance with parole conditions and to support reintegration into society. ODIN-i is simple for parolees to use and manage – offering mobile charging, extended battery operation and reliability.


For individuals requiring transport between immigration facilities or those awaiting immigration hearings, deportation, or resolution of their status, GPS monitoring can be an effective tool for officers to ensure location and compliance. ODIN-i’s technology provides a no-strap, secure installation and the ability for it to operate for 7-10 days (fully charged bracelet + mobile charger).

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